Sunday, May 4, 2008

Jesus what comes next John 17:1-26

Jesus, what comes next?

Its a great question to ask in our prayers today, Jesus what's next? And as we ask the question what's next its good to remember all that Jesus has done for us and has asked God the father to do for us.

Our Gospel reading today from, John 17, retells Jesus' prayer from the night before he died. Its a chance in one rare moment to listen in to the conversation between God the Son and God the Father. Jesus had just finished supper. And as they sat back after eating Jesus started in on a great discourse with his friends. Jesus words were the words of someone with inside knowledge about the Kingdom of heaven and the will of God the father

Jesus spoke words of comfort to his friends, “Do not let your hearts be troubled. Believe in God, believe also in me." (John 14:1) And as he comforted them Jesus offered insight into his reason for ministry and what he was leading his friends toward, "I am the way, the truth, and the life" (John 14:6) We can debate for years just what this means; and still we'll never figure it out. Jesus was peeling back layer of mystery unveiling still more mysteries about himself and God, "I am in the father and the Father is in me" (John 14:10) and he even explained his friends place in salvation telling them they are the branches and he is "... the true vine" (John 15:1).

As he finished speaking Jesus he looked up to heaven. He spoke to the Father with his friends listening in as he prayed. We listened in to the prayer a few minutes ago ourselves. If you want to read on go ahead. Jesus spoke of what he'd done, said, and taught. He named the dangers we face, even the world's rejection his teaching. Jesus asked that...

  • he might return to the Glory he shared with the Father before the world was made (John 17:4)

  • his followers be protected through the power of the Father's Holy Name (John 17:11)

  • we might be one as he and the Father are one (John 17:11)

  • we have his joy in us (John 17:13)

  • we not be taken out of the world but that we be protected from the Evil One (John 17:15)

  • we be ready to serve God in truth (John 17:17)

  • others might believe through the teaching of his followers (John 17:20)

  • we be one so that the world can come to know the Father(John 17:21-23)

  • we might be with him and see his glory (John 17:24)

Jesus spoke directly to God the Father asking for help for our sake. Listening in reminds us of all God's help is needed to live out our faith every day. We need the Father's protection, unity, joy, hope, truth, teachings, and love to make it. And that's exactly what Jesus asked the father to give us. These great gifts don't grow from with in us; instead Jesus asks that the father bless us with these gifts. We might try to fake it pretending that we have it all together; but all these gifts come not from with in; but from God who gives them freely.

After praying, the Gospel of John tells that, Jesus' next stop was the garden across the Kidron Valley where he would be arrested. This prayer, the night before Jesus died, gives us a moment both of deep insight into the relationship between Jesus and the Father and into all that Jesus asked for us.

So what's next? 2000 years ago it was the cross and then Easter. And even int eh joy of Easter Jesus friends still didn't know what God was going to do next. We heard about it in our first reading today about Jesus' friends looking up to heaven afterhe had been taken up into the clouds.

And the angel looked at them and said, “ They said, “Men of Galilee, why are you standing here looking into the sky? Jesus, whom you saw taken up from you into heaven, will come back in the same way you saw him go.” Acts 1:11 NCV

What's next is living in God's amazing grace until Jesus return. What's next is trusting in the Word made flesh and knowing that he died and rose and will come again. Peter says, Cast all your anxiety on him, because he cares for you. 1 Peter 5:7

Remember friends that we don't go into this world alone. The Holy Spirit comes with to move us and to guide us. We need the Father's protection, unity, joy, hope, truth, teachings, and love to make it. And that's exactly what Jesus asked the father to give us. So what's next? I'm really not sure. I pray thy will be done and still haven't received a clear road map. But I trust that God will use each of us.


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